The 3rd International Humanities–Society–Identity Congress: Diversity in Equality Programme Committee is looking forward to welcoming you to Warsaw. 

Submission types

We welcome proposals for individual research papers as well as panel sessions on specific themes.

Individual research papers

A proposal for an individual research paper to be presented during a general session should be a 300-word abstract (exclusive of references). An abstract should clearly state research questions, the approach, method, data and results. Abstracts should also list three to five keywords. Individual research papers should be held in English.

Panel proposal

A proposal for panels of up to four participants in total needs to include:

  • the title of the proposed panel
  • a brief (up to 300 words) statement summarizing the rationale for the panel
  • name, contact information and affiliation of the panel chair
  • names, contact information and affiliation of all the panel participants
  • 300-word abstracts of each panel participant.

The deadline for both types of proposals is 20 October 2024. However, we would very much welcome earlier information about the planned session.

All proposals should be sent to:
Submissions will be subjected to a peer-review process. Notification of acceptance will be sent out in October.

Conference fee: 120 euros
If you have any questions or queries please get in touch with the Congress secretaries:

We hope to see you in Warsaw!

Students’ HSI Congress

We would like to cordially invite BA and MA students to participate in the HSI Congress. We are aware that students’ interest in active participation in academia has been growing over the last few years and we wish to provide them with a space for presentation and discussion. Therefore, this year the Congress Programme will include panels dedicated to students.

We highly encourage students to send abstracts for individual papers or student panels to:

Key dates

8 April 2024 – Call for Papers opens
20 October 2024 – Call for Papers closes
31 October 2024 – 15 November 2024 – Registration
20 November 2024 – Programme released online
4-5 December 2024 – 3rd International Humanities-Society-Identity Congress. Diversity in Equality

Download Call for Papers (PDF)

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